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Saturday, January 8, 2011

How to Overcome Infidelity?

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Committing yourself into relationship requires being ready of all the pain, heartaches, joys and happiness. However, if you will be aware that million relationship and marriage separated because of so many reasons. And if you want to know the most common reason is because of infidelity.
So what is infidelity means? It actually colloquial known as cheating. Today, not only men are doing these case but also women. Coping with infidelity is not easy, it is very challenging as there are feelings of hopelessness, guilt and sorrows. But no matter what happen, you should learn how to overcome with these kind of scenario.
You may ask yourself, if this happen to you will it be possible for you to forgive your husband or your partner? Would you allow yourself to trust him again even if there still a chance that he will do the same thing again? Will you feel afraid?
Infidelity can ruined or break a trust. With so many struggles, infidelity is the worst scenario both partners can go through. There are lot of ways to survive with infidelity so don't give up. First, be able to know the reason why infidelity happened? Is it your fault? Know your shortcomings. Try to talk with your partner. Remember that men have a lot of reasons why they are cheated with their wife or girlfriend.
Aside from all, one of the best thing to do once you discover infidelity is understanding the reasons of affair. If you already know why, then do some moves to fix it. There's no impossible if you both love each other.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Love Tips for Guys - How to Make Her Really Feel That Way About You

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Falling in love with a woman can either be one of the greatest things to happen to a guy or one of the worst things that could happen to him. If you end up falling for a woman and she feels the same way, then obviously that is great. However, if you fall for a woman and she does not end up feeling the same way about you, then that is one of the worst experiences that any guy can have to go through.
Here are some tips on how you can make her feel the same way about you:
1. She's not going to fall in love with you if you become obviously obsessed with her.
In a lot of situations of unrequited love, what usually happens is that the guy becomes obviously obsessed with a woman. He wants to be with her all of the time, he wants to talk to her as often as possible and he ends up smothering her with all of that attention. Look, even if you do feel like you want to be around her all of the time, you have to show some sense of being able to control that and not come off like Mr. Obsessive if you want her to feel the same way about you.
2. You have to be able to share experiences with her that other guys cannot.
Another thing that gets most guys into trouble is that they come off as being just plain old boring. That might be harsh, but it is the truth. You have to be able to give her something that no other guy can give and when you can do this, then you can make her fall hard for you. Share something with her that no one else can and you create a bond that cannot be broken plus you provide some excitement to her life.
3. Don't be afraid to combine love and sex.
Yes, they do go hand in hand. If all she feels is love for you with no sexual attraction you know what you have. Friendship. Really, really good friendship. This is what happens to a lot of guys that get that speech about how they are so nice and how she likes to hang out with them, but she just does not feel that way. They don't combine love and sex. They do go hand in hand and you have to turn her on if you want to be more than just a buddy.

Touch The One You Love, ALWAYS!

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Back when you were a kid, and you had some sort of crisis, what did your parents do? The comforted you, and if not your parents a teacher, or a relative gave you comfort and you felt better. It is a proven fact tat when a child is upset about something, and you give them love, it helps to get the through it.
The same fact is true for relationships, there are going to come times when your significant other needs you to love on them. They are going to want your embrace to make it all better. Touching is a big part of a relationship, it shows care, compassion, and love. There is no sexual expectancy behind the embrace, it is just to show compassion.
When was the last time you just walked up to your partner, and gave them an intimate kiss? Or held their hand in public, what about cuddled with them just because? If you seriously have to think about it, it has been way, way to long. In a relationship you have plenty of opportunities to do these types of things.
While two of you go shopping, walk behind her/him and embrace him/her while walking. Who cares if you show a little bit of PDA, If people get offended it is just cause they are jealous.
You can make kisses more sensual by touching their face and playing with their hair. What about rubbing their back when the come home after a bad day at work, or placing your hand on their leg at dinner, just to let them know your right there. There are so many opportunities you have to show your partner compassion and love.
Showing your partner comfort and compassion, doesn't have to be shown in a sexual way. You can do it without any sexually intimate intention what so ever. Just show that you care and that you are there for them good or bad. To many times, a couple will lose this connection, and go months without touching each other.
Once this happens, it is only a matter of time before one of you will look to get the touching from someone else, not necessarily sex, just compassion. You have to keep the touching and compassion alive in your relationship. If you do this, you should have no problems what so ever!

Emotionally Abusive Relationships - Common Behaviors and Tactics Abusers Use

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There is currently not a single, clear-cut definition of emotional abuse. Emotional abuse is instead defined by a set or combination of traits, acts or behaviors that are designed to control and dominate another human being through the use of fear, guilt, intimidation, humiliation or manipulation.
It is important to remember that a single incident does not constitute abuse. Abuse is a pattern of behavior that occurs over time. It is repetitive, sustained and usually progressive.
Emotional abuse is silent, insidious and extremely dangerous to the victim. It slowly and systematically wears away at the victim's soul. It erodes self-worth, confidence, trust, faith and the ability to have confidence in one's own perceptions.
Emotional abuse is also harmful to a person's physical health. Typically people in abusive relationships don't eat or sleep properly and can suffer from stress-related conditions such as chronic fatigue, anxiety attacks, depression, high blood pressure, peptic ulcers, poor immune function, migraines, alcoholism and smoking-related respiratory aliments.
Here is an extensive list with brief notes about common behaviors and tactics abusers use to control and manipulate his/her partner. It is important to understand that you don't have to experience ALL of these to be abused. ANY of these behaviors, either alone or in combination, which are part of a "repeated pattern", are abusive!
> Extreme jealousy: not only of other men/women but of friends, family, work and even children 
> Emotional withholding: will not share his/her feelings and is not aware, receptive or sensitive to yours, the silent treatment
> Lack of intimacy: doesn't hold your hand or cuddle
> Verbal abuse: insults, yelling, name-calling, shame, sarcasm, or threats
> Humiliation: public criticism, reminding you of embarrassing moments
> Threats: verbal threats such as "you will be sorry", physical threats such as throwing or breaking things > Lies: including withholding information, telling half-truths or rearranging the facts
> Mixed messages: tell you he/she loves you, but treats you badly
> Dependence: threats of loss of financial security, or tries to convince you that you are no good without him, nobody else will want you  
> Blame: says it's your fault when he/she mistreats you, says you are responsible for how he/she feels
>Secret-keeping: acts differently in public than in private 
>Physical violence: slapping, punching, kicking, grabbing, pinching, pushing, biting, choking

Thursday, January 6, 2011

How Sexual Foreplay Can Improve Your Love Life

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For good sex, foreplay is very essential. It has been proven by many university studies that foreplay is something that people should be doing more of before moving on to the act of intercourse. Hot and heavy foreplay stimulates and arouses a woman's body. Her vagina will experience vaginal tenting, which creates additional room in the vagina. This results in more comfortable, and more pleasurable sex for the female. Stimulating sexual foreplay can excite and arouse the woman, which helps her to become more lubricated, thus allowing her to experience more enjoyable and satisfying sex.
Foreplay can help tremendously when a man is experiencing difficulty in achieving an orgasm. The excitement and stimulation that comes from sexual foreplay can make the man feel so hot excited, that he can be pleased much more easily.
A couple can also feel more closer and intimate when engaging in foreplay. The level of excitement and arousal can be extremely enhanced. An important part of sexual foreplay is passionate, hot and heavy kissing. It enhances the emotional connection and it can lead to some earth shattering stimulation.
Discuss Foreplay With Your Partner.
Nobody can ever know what their partner likes, especially between new couples. You need to sit down and talk about foreplay, and what turns you on. Not only do you learn more about what each other enjoys during sex, just the conversation itself can be a real turn on. Ask your partner where and how they like to be touched, how they like to be kissed, stroked, and caressed. It is best to discuss this outside of the bedroom, so you do not let passion get in the way of your conversation, thus giving you something that you can both look forward to.
Sexual foreplay will enable you and your lover to be more connected both emotionally, and physically, and it will definitely improve your sex life. You will both become more comfortable with one another and get considerably more pleasure out of sex. It will improve the love you share for each other and bring your love life to new heights that you never thought that you could ever achieve.

Emotional Abuse: Why Is It So Damaging?

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Emotional abuse is the most common and most damaging kind of abuse but it is often down played, if you reach out for help, people will often wonder what all the fuss is about. People who have suffered physical or sexual abuse often report that it was the emotional abuse that caused the most damage. This is because emotional abuse cuts you to your very core, it wears away at your self-confidence, self-worth and even your trust in yourself.
The children's rhyme "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" is completely untrue. Words can wound us right down to our very soul, physical abuse can only wound our bodies because of this emotional abuse out lives it's span. The effects of physical abuse only last as long as it takes for the scars and bruises to heal, the effects of emotional abuse can last our whole life span. When someone is emotionally abused the underlying message is that life is unstable and unsafe. There is a lack of security and consistency in your life which leads to a constant feeling of tension and fear; when this occurs over a length of time anger and depression result.
When you are emotionally abused, you learn that nothing you do is right and experience an immense amount of guilt over everything you do; because of this you are never sure what's right. Since you are constantly put down you are never sure where the next criticism will come from, this causes you to live in a constant state of fear and tension. A person who is emotionally abused is never able to feel safe and never able to relax; along with this you are always told that you are wrong and that you are to blame for the abuse; this, combined with the constant criticism provides you with countless opportunities to realize how "unworthy" you are which only serves to confirm the abuser right and that the abuse is your fault.
Every experience in your life only serves to prove how unfair life is and therefore justice is all you think about and a strong sense of right and wrong penetrates every minute of your waking life. Finally, because often, the abuse is caused by those who you love most and you should be closest to the lesson is that love hurts. You learn that it's not safe to trust anyone, least of all those you should be able to trust most and that to love is not only painful but very risky. This means that you learn to keep people at arms length, isolating yourself from everyone around you and you learn that the only way you can experience any kind of safety and security is by leading a lonely life away from other people.
However, it is possible to move on from the experience of emotional abuse

Emotional Abuse: Why Is It So Damaging?

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Emotional abuse is the most common and most damaging kind of abuse but it is often down played, if you reach out for help, people will often wonder what all the fuss is about. People who have suffered physical or sexual abuse often report that it was the emotional abuse that caused the most damage. This is because emotional abuse cuts you to your very core, it wears away at your self-confidence, self-worth and even your trust in yourself.
The children's rhyme "sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me" is completely untrue. Words can wound us right down to our very soul, physical abuse can only wound our bodies because of this emotional abuse out lives it's span. The effects of physical abuse only last as long as it takes for the scars and bruises to heal, the effects of emotional abuse can last our whole life span. When someone is emotionally abused the underlying message is that life is unstable and unsafe. There is a lack of security and consistency in your life which leads to a constant feeling of tension and fear; when this occurs over a length of time anger and depression result.
When you are emotionally abused, you learn that nothing you do is right and experience an immense amount of guilt over everything you do; because of this you are never sure what's right. Since you are constantly put down you are never sure where the next criticism will come from, this causes you to live in a constant state of fear and tension. A person who is emotionally abused is never able to feel safe and never able to relax; along with this you are always told that you are wrong and that you are to blame for the abuse; this, combined with the constant criticism provides you with countless opportunities to realize how "unworthy" you are which only serves to confirm the abuser right and that the abuse is your fault.
Every experience in your life only serves to prove how unfair life is and therefore justice is all you think about and a strong sense of right and wrong penetrates every minute of your waking life. Finally, because often, the abuse is caused by those who you love most and you should be closest to the lesson is that love hurts. You learn that it's not safe to trust anyone, least of all those you should be able to trust most and that to love is not only painful but very risky. This means that you learn to keep people at arms length, isolating yourself from everyone around you and you learn that the only way you can experience any kind of safety and security is by leading a lonely life away from other people.
However, it is possible to move on from the experience of emotional abuse

How To Be A Romantic Husband Even After Many Years Of Marriage

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Every woman longs for a husband who is as romantic as he was on their first date even after years of marriage. Sadly, only a lucky few are blessed with this gift. Most men seem to part company with that elusive thing called 'romance' almost as soon as the honeymoon phase is over. It is almost like, 'Okay, now that I have got the girl, let's get on with the business of life'. So, while the husband may have been the roses-moonlight-candlelit dinner sort during the first year, things start sliding downhill soon after. Of course, not all men follow that slippery route to sure self-destruction, but most very definitely do so. No getting around that fact. The end result? A fairly dissatisfied wife and a wide open chasm yawning between the two of you.
That's not to say that the onus of being romantic falls completely on the man's already-burdened shoulders. But, let's face it. Surveys have revealed time and again that almost ninety percent of women prefer their husbands to be sweetly romantic.
When a man is being romantic, it tells her something that she longs to know. A reassurance that she is still attractive, desirable and that you aren't regretting having exchanged the vows with her. Let's put it this way. A simple squeeze of her hand when she's tense can do wonders to her mood than any amount of soothing words. A loving call in the middle of a hectic work day can be an instant mood lifter. A woman does not want you to scale great heights or buy her loads of expensive presents. Her needs are very basic really. A hug, a kiss, and a heartfelt compliment - it is enough to keep her going for a long while.
So, that brings us to the basic question: How to be romantic even when years of marriage have laid bare every secret, every mole and wart, every sinus attack, every cellulite inch and every bad, things-flinging mood? The answer is: don't stop loving her inspite of all this. Just because she burnt your toast or ironed the wrong shirt doesn't mean you start looking up divorce lawyers. Or the fact that she has dropped the diva act and become a normal woman again. You didn't marry a mannequin perched on a pedestal; you married a real flesh-and-blood woman who has her good days along with her off days like any other person.
This needs to be on your checklist if you want to know how to be a romantic husband even after years of marriage:
1. Respect her as a person first and foremost. It is the basis for a strong and enduring relationship.
2. Don't forget red-letter days - birthdays and anniversaries. No rocket science here to understand why.
3. Try to remember the small things - they mean a lot to her.  kissing her before going and after returning from work; doing impromptu acts of romance and madness (an email to tell her how much you are missing her even though you are in the next room); returning on time for an important dinner party and so on.
4. Be imaginative and creative in the gift-giving department. Ditch the cards and flowers routine if you have been doing it like a predictable grandfather clock year after boring year. Surprise her with some handmade gifts instead.
5. Pamper her - physically, emotionally and mentally. Listen to her patiently when she's upset about a work colleague. Make her feel beautiful, particularly when she's having a lousy day and feels she looks like something the cat dragged backwards through the hedge. Your unconditional love and support can be a huge source of strength for her. Yes, women love men for a whole lot of complex reasons.
6. Ditch the macho guy image once in a while. Let her have a peek into your softer, sensitive side and you'll be surprised at how connected the two of you feel after that.
A woman who is truly deeply loved and cherished radiates a glow that no expensive anti-aging creams can deliver. Once she is convinced that when it comes to you, she figures on the top of your priority list, she'll blossom. Not among the top five, but right there on Mount Everest. And you get to reap the benefits of all that feel-good factor that's pervading her being!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Fixing the Broken Trust

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Trust is essential for every relationship, may it be with your parents, your spouse and even your kids. Aside from love, trust is a very essential element in a relationship. Without trust, relationship won't be successful. Trust is not something that can be developed overnight. You have to work and gain the other person's trust. It requires continuous effort. Trust is hard to build but can easily be broken by a single mistake. In this article, you will find tips on how to repair the broken trust.
The first step in building trust back is to know how you feel. Know if you really love your partner and what happened was a terrible mistake. However, if you are still having doubts about your feelings then it is best to let it cool down for some time until you will become certain on what you really feel.
Once you know how you feel and you are determined to win your partner's trust back, then admit your mistake to your partner and apologize. Take full responsibility over your actions and never blame what happened to anybody. Bear in mind that your partner is hurt for the moment, thus, never expect her/him to believe you right away. Stay calm and patiently listen to what your partner might say.
Once your partner is ready to engage in a conversation with you, then discuss with him/her about what happened in the relationship. If you committed the mistake because you felt that there was something lacking from your relationship, then be open about it. Talk on how you can revive the passion in the relationship.
In order to gain your partner's trust back, be open and never keep secrets from your partner. Even to the tiniest detail always be open about it. Make your mobile phone always open, let your partner meet your officemates and friends and let your partner know you will be home late and inform him/her the reason why. It may be a long way but it is the way you need to take to gain back the lost trust.
Lastly, to gain the trust, be respectful to your partner. Be a good listener to him/her, show how you care and learn to empathize. Always be there for your partner. Showing your partner that s/he can count on you anytime will make them trust you back.
These are just some tips on how to regain back a lost trust. After a trust has been broken, you will never know what will happen next. However, if you really love your partner, then show him/her you are sorry by making efforts to make it up to him/her, through this you will definitely win him/her back.

Make Her Fall in Love With You - 3 Love Tips for Men

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Just about every single, straight male out there knows that it's not always easy to make a woman feel the same way about you that you feel about her. When a guy feels like he is falling for a woman, the worst case scenario is that she does not feel the same way. Unfortunately, this scenario happens all too often, and most guys are kind of clueless as to why that is and what they could have done differently to make her feel that way about them.
While it may not be 'easy' to make a woman fall in love, it's also probably not as hard as you think it is. Most of the time, guys end up making it out to be a LOT more complicated than it really has to be. You do NOT want to be one of those guys, you want to make it easy for yourself.
Here are 3 love tips for men on how to make a woman fall in love with you:
1. You have to make her feel like she is connected to you.
That connection that a woman feels when she meets a guy that she is really into is what needs to be there if you are going to end up making her fall in love with you. The problem that most guys have is, they do not know how to make a woman feel that connection. This is why you need to learn how to read a woman, so that you DO know how to make her feel like she is connected to you.
2. You have to make her feel like there is chemistry with you.
If there is no chemistry between you and a woman that you are falling for, she is not going to feel the same way. Chemistry is that unexplainable vibe that happens when two people just cannot hide their attraction for each other AND they have that connection between the two of them.
3. There has to be a sense of sexual tension.
Some guys seem to have this romantic sense of love where there is no need for sexual tension. Well, in the real world, you DO need to be able to make a woman feel that sexual tension. If there is none, then you are on a fast track for friendship and not much more. If you want to be more than just her friend, then you need to make her feel that sexual tension.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How to Be A Sexier Wife?

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Sometimes women are busy in their career, children and daily life that they forget how to be a sexy little kitten for their hubbies. This article highlights some important tips on how to be a sexier wife.
1. When your husband is there at home, create a sexy environment by having sexy grooves and playing on the stereo.
2. Send your hubby text SMS when he is at office. Give him something special to look forward to when gets home.
3. Wear a sexy baby doll lingerie when your hubby gets home from office sometimes.
4. Go and have a lunch with your hubby at a romantic place.
5. When you come to bed, spray yourself with a light perfume and don't wear panties under your night gown.
6. Experiment with fashion and sport your own style. I am sure your hubby will love it.
7. Try some new sex techniques: Unless it goes against anything God says, you should try new sexual techniques to fulfill your husband's fantasies.
8. Keep your figure and eating habits in check and do an exercise that suits you the best.
9. Call your hubby by using some pet names like baby, sweetie, honey, darling and make him feel that you love him the most.
10. Keep your home neat and clean. Also, keep your kids primped and tidy as well. As all men feel proud when their wife and kids look at their best.
11. Be a freak in the bed. A man loves a lady in lanes, but a freak in the bed. Here, freak means tramp, hooker or anything being a complete sex maniac.
12. If you need to make an argument with your hubby, do it in a respectful and tactful way.
13. Don't control your hubby like his mother. You can control him with your sexy figure and behavior.
14. Avoid making excessive arguments with your husband. It can't be you on the winning side always.

Understanding The True Meaning of Love

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Love is a many splendid things; the phrase commonly heard when love is defined. Often than not, this word is used but not truly thought of the deeper meaning of it. There are a lot of cases of divorce in any place on the planet and that is because of misconception on what love is. If love is truly understood, it could be the only reason to save a marriage.
Time can change a lot of things and that includes the feelings of two individuals. One falls in love without any reason at all. But being happy in the companionship of each other is the only reason enough to sustain a relationship.
There are many factors on why a certain relationship could just die. Those factors include but are not limited to communication, coldness, no common interest, insensitivity and many other reasons. If only these causes can be surmounted, then a healthier marriage could be easily obtained.
There was such book published about why men are from Mars and women are from Venus. It is because they do not have common ways of thinking and expressing themselves. Women tend to be very emotional and vocal about their feelings while men usually contain their emotions since they are more afraid of showing it.
Men and women just perceive each other communications in different ways. Those indifferences will sometimes create the barrier between both parties and hence the start of an incoming divorce.
The best resolution for emerging issues in a relationship is able to communicate in a composed manner. In this way a flawless conversation and exchange of thoughts will be much understood by two involved individuals.
Generally, a healthy marriage could only be achieved if love is completely understood.

What To Do After You Say "I Do"

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You have finally met Mr. Wonderful. He is absolutely everything you've ever wanted in a husband-to-be. He's the one you want to spend the rest of your life with. It seems like it took forever just to find him. But now that you're engaged, the real work will begin. And believe me, time will fly by. Before you know it, you'll be looking at your wedding pictures and thinking about all the memories you have of your wedding. But before all that happens, several things need to happen.
First, you need to pick a time and place for your wedding and reception. It is essential that you do this first and get it reserved. Chapels fill up, especially on popular dates. Keep in mind that you'll need time to pick out a dress, send invitations, and plan a reception. Getting married requires planning two separate events. So you don't want to wait too long nor do you want to hurry the process. Three months seems to be a good amount of time to get everything done.
Once your chapel has been reserved for the wedding and reception, you can start looking at announcements. There is every variety available so you can be as original as you want. Some couples traditional announcements while others want a more modern theme. A popular twist has been to add a picture of you and your fiance. This is an especially good idea if you have friends and family far away.
Next, it's time to gather up your best girlfriends or your mom and go wedding dress shopping. It's a good idea to set a budget for the dress before you ever step into the store. Once there, you'll see dresses in a wide range of prices and styles. And while you want a beautiful wedding dress, keep in mind that you are only going to wear it once. So don't go into debt (or put your parents in debt) to buy a dress that has an over the top price.
Finally, as you are organizing the reception, you need reserve a photographer. Pictures are the most important part for me. When all the cake is eaten and the guests have left and the dress is back in its bag for safe keeping, all that you'll have on a daily basis are those pictures.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Taking a Break in a Relationship

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All relationships have their good times and bad times, anybody who expects their relationship to always be good really needs a wake up call. If a relationship means a lot to you and your partner than you will try to work things out for the best and sometimes taking a break in a relationship can solve all the problems.
Taking a break in a relationship doesn't mean that you or your partner should go out on dates with different people. It is giving you time to assess all of the things that are right with your relationship and what you can do to make it better. A break in a relationship will also give you the space you need if you have been arguing and fighting with your partner.
You need to realize that taking a break is not the end of the relationship. Take the time to have a good think about what you want out of the relationship.
Will taking a break in a relationship work?
After taking a break in a relationship you and your partner should come back together feeling good and happy to be back with one another. Taking a break really can help to solve a lot of problems and if you take the time to calm yourself down and look at it from you and your partners point of view then you really can make it work for the best.

What You NEED To Do So You Can EASILY Attract A Great Guy Into Your Life

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So you've been single for a while, and you can't seem to get a date with that guy you admire so much. He doesn't seem to notice you, or when he does, there's no interest. The thing is, if you approach him you'd seem desperate, but if you don't you may never get noticed. It's a tough dilemma that many women face.
On the dates that you DO go out on, they end up being boring and awkward, and you don't go out on a second date.
The fact is, if you have not been on a date for a while you may start questioning yourself. Not being in a relationship while you see all your friends in great relationships with their boyfriends, can be frustrating and scary. Not only do you miss that companionship, and that intimacy, but as time goes on you will gradually lose confidence in yourself. You may have tried online dating, or even went out on a date that was set up by your mom. None of them seem to work, and you just end up feeling lonelier after wards.
You start questioning whether you are attractive. Maybe you're not fun or smart enough? Everyone in your situation has thought whether or not they would ever find a boyfriend.
The truth is, none of these are true, and you can EASILY ATTRACT a great guy into your life as long as you understand men and know what makes them tick. One of the big things is that you must develop confidence, understand what guys want.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

What You Need to Know About The Steps of Physical Intimacy

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Intimacy generally refers to a state of being in a close relationship to another person. Either it is already serious or still in the process of getting more serious. Many people just eventually develop intimate relationships without even knowing it. It just happens to normal people with normal feelings, but there are some people who cannot easily get into it. There are many factors that affect the progression of intimacy. It could be personality, behavior, trust, psychological compatibility, and many more. To solve many problems in developing intimacy, it helps to understand the steps through which physical intimacy progresses.
The following are the steps of physical intimacy
1. Eye to Body -- unknowingly to most people, intimacy starts by just a simple eye to body contact. This means almost nothing to most people because it happens everywhere. Attraction is not a choice. It comes into your unconscious mind, and you are not even aware that you are attracted to them, yet it leads into the intimacy progression.
2. Eye to Eye -- this stage is different from the first step because in this stage there is a mutual interaction. Each person knows he or she is seen.
3. Voice to voice -- at this stage, you start to share ideas, dreams, aspirations, and judgments. This stage is very significant in compatibility testing. Voice to voice interaction could be one-sided or a dialogue. Friendship normally begins at this stage.
4. Hand to hand -- when a man holds a woman's hand naturally without any feeling of awkwardness, it means something. This is when relationship begins to deepen from a simple friendship.
5. Arm to shoulder -- the relationship in this stage is even deeper than hand to hand. Arm around your partner's shoulder signifies closeness and intimacy. Putting your arm around the other person's shoulder unconsciously shows that you own the person and that the person is really attached to you. The feeling of both sides is reciprocal as allowing each other to do the arm-to-shoulder is mutual.
6. Arm to waist -- this is simply a significant progression of intimacy. It is even deeper from arm to shoulder because it is indicative of familiarity and comfort level within each other.
7. Face to face -- kissing is the vital stage of intimacy because this means that you completely trust the person.
8. Hand to body -- this is the stage where you entrust your body to the other person. You allow the beginning of foreplay.
9. Mouth to breast -- foreplay continues to the more private part of your body without mistrust. Both parties like it.
10. Hand below waist -- during this stage, a man fondles a woman's private parts
11. Sexual intercourse -- this is the most intimate act of relationship.  This stage requires communication -- not necessarily verbal -- about what you desire and are comfortable with.
It is important to let intimacy progress through the stages in order.   Following them can prevent the relationship from breaking down through misunderstanding. Attempting to move to the next step and getting the other person's reaction can allow negotiation of the relationship without talking at times when talking is often awkward.

Better and Longer Lasting Sex - With the Best Natural Sexual Enhancers!

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Here we will look at the best natural sexual enhancers which will help you enjoy better and longer lasting sex. The herbs work for both men and women and can be found in all the best herbal sex pills - Let's take a look at how they work.
In terms of both male and female sexual health, two natural substances need to be produced in high amounts and the substances are - nitric oxide which increases blood flow to the sex organs and testosterone which increases energy and sex drive.
Nitric oxide is needed by men to get a hard penis and in women its needed for sexual satisfaction. The sex organs must swell with blood and nitric oxide allows them to do this by relaxing and dilating the blood vessels so more blood can flow into the sex organs and make them hard. While levels of this substance fall with age, levels can be increased by taking the herbs - Cnidium, Horny Goat Weed and Ginseng. These herbs will quickly boost levels and allow the sex organs to become hard and stay harder for longer.
Testosterone is needed by both men and women for energy and stamina which also means a higher sex drive and the ability to last longer in bed. Tesosterone levels can be boosted by a number of herbs and two of the best are Tonkgat Ali and Tribulus. These herbs not only help you achieve better and longer lasting sex, they also revitalize the whole body, so you feel more energetic and in the mood for sex.
Get All the Above Herbs in the Best Herbal Sex Pills
You will find all the herbs above in the best herbal sex pills and if you take them, they will help you enjoy better sex and better all round levels of wellness at the same time.