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Saturday, September 17, 2011

Fix Your Sexless Marriage!

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Are you in a sexless marriage? Are you willing and wanting to have sex, but your partner isn't in the mood? How can you put sex back into a sexless marriage?
In most relationships, the sex begins to wane after the first eighteen months or after kids arrive on the scene. It can be hard to find time for each other and life sometimes gets in the way of having sex. At other times, one partner may not have the same sex drive as the other. Either way, if you are stuck in a sexless marriage and want a little more action between the sheets, there are some steps you can take to put the romance back.
Get on a Schedule
If you and your partner both feel as though the sex in your relationship is waning, one way to get out of a sexless marriage is to put sex on your schedule. Think of it as an exercise class or a fun meeting that you must attend several times a week. This is one surefire way to keep other distractions out of your schedule and you will feel better for it. This doesn't mean that you have to have sex every single day, (unless you decide) but do set aside the time to spend together.
Fall in Love all Over Again
There was probably a time at the very beginning of your relationship when you were madly in love and couldn't get enough of each other. However, time begins to take its toll and we typically don't spend as much time together in bed as we used. One way to change this is to fall in love with each other again. One idea is to put a little excitement back into your life by trying new things such as a cooking class or dancing. This excitement will eventually spill into your bedroom and help to remedy a sexless marriage.
Develop a Sexual Style
As we get older, the way we have sex begins to change. Instead of just having only the goal of an orgasm, most begin to look for a deeper connection to their partner as well. In this sense, couples should try and find a sexual style that fits both partners and makes both want to have sex more often.
Take a Marriage Retreat
In order to get your marriage back on track in the sex department, take a vacation for just the two of you. Be sure to spend time together communicating and just being yourselves. You may also want to go on a trip that includes a sex workshop in which you can learn how to put sex back into your marriage.

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