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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How to Capture a Man's Heart

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Is there anything more exhilarating than the feeling of knowing you've captured the heart of a man you are totally into and then having him fall in love with you?

However, if you're in a position where you know a man that you are drawn to and yet at a complete loss at how to get him to respond, then the feeling becomes more like despair and agony.

Is that what you are feeling now? It is so hard when you see a guy you are attracted to so strongly who doesn't notice you or even worse, acts as if you don't exist.

Every time he passes by or if you get the exciting opportunity to interact with him, there is such a powerful internal yearning to want to get to know him more importantly...have him WANT to get to know you.
What would you say if I told you that you could make that happen? Are you interested?

I thought so.

This is the way to capture a man's interest and from there, win his heart.
First, you'll want to do a personal assessment. Why? Because everything that is involved with getting his attention starts from within you and how you carry yourself.

The things you'll want to check yourself on are how you treat yourself and how you treat others. For example, do you take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally?

A sign that you love yourself gets revealed in your physical appearance. Are you clean? Are your clothes clean, ironed, and of good fashion? Is your hair styled? Are you healthy and fit? These are the things that will first draw his eye upon you.

How about your mental and emotional state? Are you in a calm, relaxed, peaceful state of mind? The way you react to situations and people around you will reveal those qualities.

In a look at how you treat others, ask yourself if you treat them with the same kind of respect you treat yourself? Are you kind, thoughtful, compassionate, and encouraging toward them? These are the qualities that will grab his attention.

Now let's look at some other things that will get him to notice you and get him to want to know you better.

What is your level of self-confidence? Do you believe you are worthy of his time and attention? You really should because you are. But don't let ego take over with this aspect of your character, because while self-confidence is extremely attractive, a big ego will have him continue to pretend you don't exist.

Other alluring features that will capture his interest are a great sense of humour, honesty, intelligence, etc. Display these attributes and you're sure to have him not only notice you, but willingly vie for some of your time and attention.

Once you have his focus then win his heart by doing the things that he secretly longs for in a mate. These are things such as desiring to get to know the real him, helping him to find his purpose in life and achieving that mission. He also desires a woman who won't try to control or manipulate him.

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