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Monday, May 7, 2012

Tips to Make Your Man Commit to You

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ave you been waiting for your man to make a commitment to a long term relationship with you? You hope the commitment would be marriage. If this is you do not feel alone, this is a common experience for many women.

Many men may feel more comfortable these days not making a commitment to any one woman. They are not emotionally ready for marriage and family life and the responsibility it brings. Also for some, the high divorce rate could weigh on their thoughts about getting married and possibly getting divorced themselves. So what can you do to help your man along the path of making a commitment to you?

The first step for you is to make sure the guy you love is really the one you want to marry. Look at all of his points, good and bad, and see if you are willing to spend the rest of your life with him. Once you are absolutely sure he is the one you can proceed and make him commit to you.

He liked you the way you were when you first met and most likely still does. Keep your values just the way they are. Also if your man starts to notice changes in your personality he may not like what he sees further making him not commit.

Do not try to appear weak and unable to take care of yourself. Your man may like the role of taking care of you at first but will eventually tire of it. Be strong and able to look after yourself.

Accept your man for who he is. Talk to him about his interests and ambitions and make him feel good about the choices he makes. He might be feeling like you are only interested in him as a means of support or a provider so assuring him you think more of him than that can go a long way.

No one is perfect and he may have some faults, in fact everybody does, so try not to belittle him for his. The more comfortable he is at being his true self around you the better your chances are of his proposing to you.

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