There is something that is really familiar among a lot of women. They don't know how to get the attention of the man they want. The reason why this is familiar is because of the wrong information most of us got about men. The wrong information that most women get end up causing them so much pain and heartache in their love life.
I know you're wondering how to get your man's attention without seeming desperate or needy and I'm going to tell you the quickest way to do this. First, I need you to understand how guys operate when it comes to the feelings of attraction and why your man will pull further away from you.
Men are attracted to women for all sorts of reasons but there are specific reasons why your man might respond to you or withdraw.
Here's the real truth about men and attraction:
1. Men are creatures of play.
Whether it's watching sports or being active at the gym, men are driven to be active and are action oriented beings. So if you want to get a man's attention, it is more about learning the language of play and how to trigger your man emotionally.
2. Men want drama free interactions
The only time men think about getting dramatic is mostly when they have to get physical. Think about how much emotional drama women invest in their relationships. Think about whether you have been investing in a lot of worrying, frustration, overanalyzing, or assumptions about your man. All of this is drama. Most men just don't want to deal with a worrier and most will do just enough to keep a relationship afloat if a woman is drama free.
3. Getting his attention
In order to really set off an uncontrollable desire inside your man, you must understand the psychology of attraction. You have to get inside your man's mind. This doesn't really have to do with knowing what he's thinking since this is at best impossible. But you have to know what triggers men.