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Monday, December 29, 2014

The magnetism a woman needs to keep her man attracted to her for life.

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You might have seen a man just pulled away from a lady for no apparent reasons, especially when things seemed to be going so great between them.
This happens many times to ladies who have the outward qualities that you think a man must be most interested in, good look, nice hair and smart. But there is always one thing lacking that seems to drive a man away after sometime.
These perfect appeared ladies seem to have much going for them, yet they can’t be able to keep a man interested in them for a very long time after the first date.
In the opposite, you see a lady that attract men like a magnet and any man that she dates will adore her and fall head over heels in love with her after the first date.
There is one secret that is so simple but unnoticed by many. The shocking thing about it is that every lady could possess this same magnetic attraction that these other women have.
These ladies that lack this magic always struggle in their relationships because they think that they are not good enough or they will never be able to hold a man like those other ladies can. So they become complacent when it comes to relationship and manage to date occasionally...just to see if they can stumble on Mr. Right out there who will sweep them off their feet and fall deeply in love with them for ever more.
Some love stories are better imagined in fairy tales and movies. In real life you need more than just fairy tales book to get a man to stay with you in the long term and be interested enough to propose marriage.
Statistics show that only 25% of women who are actively dating will get a marriage proposal from a man...meaning only 25% will make it to the altar to see their happily ever after become a reality.
Sure the other 75% of women dating or living with a man in a long term relationship goes into limbo, a place that no woman wants to be. I mean a boundary of not knowing what to do! It’s like you are not sure of getting in and you don’t know if it’s good for you to get out.
It doesn’t have to be so! If you have a strong desire to change things, you can turn things completely around. All you need to do is learn and develop the one big secret the other ladies have that allow them keep a man attracted to them from the first day till the end of time.
The shocking secret is simply the word called likability. It is what gives the magnetic attraction to the 25% of the women who end up marrying and living the life that put them on the state called “Happily ever after”.
You may be saying that it can’t be that simple. Well it can. Likability means you are easy to get along with or put in other words, you are amiable, friendly and harmonious. Your man wouldn’t want to miss the stress-free environment you always come with as a result will like to keep you. This is against when you start gossiping or criticising your man from the beginning as if you are competing. It means you can’t be trusted. You are not protective! You can betray him or give him away. The man on noticing these red flags would be looking for a way to subtly end the relationship. I don’t think anyone will like to manage a life time stress.
Some women understand this simple secret but most who don’t will continue to blame themselves or the man in their life for the break-up that happened to them or they will continue in a long-term, non-commitment relationship that goes without getting him to propose...before they will realise the truth of their situation.
If you can see the truth in what I’m saying it’s up to you to make effort in order to position yourself to make him commit.

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