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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Finding True Love in Your 30s Improve Your Chances

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inding a soul mate when you're bursting with the audacity and spontaneity of youth happens, but it seldom happens to a good number of people. Often, dating in your 30s improve your chances of finding true love because lifelong romantic relationships seldom take off in the shaky grounds of youth. Individuals evolve, and not every couple - because of the phases they may be going through at the moment - can cope with changes over time. For singles that are in their 30s, dating at this age can very well be an opportune time on how to find the girl for you or how to find the guy for you. Here's why:
Numbers on how to find love at this age back up the claim. Statistics shows that people who found each other in their 30s or older have greater chances of building lasting relationships. This may have a lot to do with the level of maturity of people seeking romance at this point in their lives. People in their 30s have gained some perspective on how to find love that enables them to apply hard-won lessons from past mistakes to present circumstances.

Finding a soul mate who has relative emotional maturity (and financial stability) is more likely. People in their 30s are old enough to have accumulated substantial savings and bought properties, but still relatively young to pursue their maximum desires using maximum funds. In short, thirty-something people or older are more focused on cleaning up their psychological mess because they are (almost) done satisfying their basic material desires. How to find love best happens when two people are emotionally ready to be selfless when the relationship demands it.

People in their 30s start taking good care of their bodies and feeling better in the process. To make up for all the indiscretions of youth, people in their 30s exercise their way out of flabby arms and muffin tops, and sometimes, out of their emotional rut. With many thirty-something exercising their way into looking good and feeling food, dating at this age means you are likely to meet someone who is healthy in mind, body and spirit.
People in their 30s are better able to articulate what they want. How to find love is all about the ability to communicate. Communication in this case is not just listening and talking but using the pleasures and pains of past relationships as fodder for understanding the other person. Your past hurts put you in a better position to relate to the feelings of betrayal, loss of trust and loss of hope; hence, you become more careful not to inflict the same damage to the present relationship.
Enjoy the search and good luck!

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