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Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Maintaining Intimacy in A Long Term Relationship

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love help

A relationship is about the journey, when you first meet and the sparks fly you can imagine yourselves together forever.

Sweet love notes, flowers, chocolates and romance are all the sort of romantic gestures most new couples adhere to for their first dates and meet ups.

A few years down the track sometimes marriage, sometimes not. Either way you’re both in the understanding that your relationship is long term and you both feel comfortable and happy about that.

Don't blink because before you know it 5 years has passed by.

By this time you are both in a routine that works. You each know who does what in every area of your happy lives.

Happy your life is and even though you have an occasional spat at each other but otherwise most things are great. Most things are great, but some things are becoming dull, boring and inconvenient.

That thing would be intimacy. What was once passionate is now a kiss a day, sometimes a quick hug and a weekly sex appointment.
Whatever happened, it's time to rectify the issue and now!

So how do you bring back the spark and live happily ever after?

Make each other laugh. The number one rule for a happy relationship. Bring comedy to the bedroom.

Speaking of the bedroom? It's time to turn the bedroom into the love nest not a sleepy haven

Be spontaneous, don't book your loving' let the urge take over, in the morning, after dinner or when you’re out and about!

Wear sexy undies ladies, how about none at all...and let him find out.

When is the next time you’re going for a weekend away? Surprise each other and arrange everything for a romantic night or longer in a hotel. Give a massage and enjoy each other’s company. Bring chocolates and a hand written love note or poem. You don't have to be an acclaimed author, just make it from the heart.

Intimacy isn't all about your sexual relationship.

Common bonds are what brought you both together. What have you done together all those years ago, rekindle the romance and find some new common interests.

How well do you treat each other? When you wake up do you have a morning kiss and cuddle or do you get out of bed straight away? Do you have conversations or do you nag? Do you listen or do you give your opinion? Do you know the difference?

Don't let your lasting relationship go to waste, all those years and experiences you have had together, it's time to bring back the intimacy and prepare to live happily ever after.

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