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Saturday, August 4, 2012

Marriage Killers

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Marriage should ideally be the happiest phase in any couple's lives. A marriage is all about sharing and caring for each other, helping each other to grow as a person and forming a deep bond of lifelong friendship and companionship. But in current times, the majority of the marriages are either ending in divorces or mutual separation. There are a lot of "unhappy campers" out there!

The fear of a botched marriage and the resultant pain is so great that many couples have started to live in together without tying the knot. In 2010-2011, the Canadian civil courts had to deal with 53,804 new divorce cases. And many more married couples are heading towards splitsville.

It is easy to assume from these statistics that marriage has become a very complicated, demanding job in contemporary times. But in reality, it is the couple's own behaviour and immaturity that is bringing about this marital doom. Discussed below are the 2 commonest mistakes committed by couples that end marriages.

1. Constant Nagging and Criticism
It is very difficult to handle a constantly nagging spouse who criticizes you without rhyme and reason every single day of your life. Everybody is prone to mistakes and as a loving partner; you need to correct your spouse in the gentlest possible manner, without hurting him/her.

Sadly, most people take the easy way out by venting their anger and disappointment on their spouses through criticism, nagging, shouting and screaming. Soon this descends into name calling and verbal abuse and pushes away your spouse emotionally. With time this rift becomes an unbridgeable gaping hole.

2. Money Matters
This is probably the number one issue that results in dissolution of a marriage. Keeping money secrets, not saving enough or being extremely miserly, obsession with material riches, trying to alter your partner's spending ways, foregoing everything to maintain your social status and keep up with your rich neighbours and relatives are some common money mistakes that cause couples to drift apart with time.

Take the time to speak with your partner about these issues and any others that have created strife between you and your partner. So much can be worked out by just sitting quietly with the idea of understanding how the other person feels about the issues that are important to both of you.

I hope you enjoyed reading, your thoughts and views are welcome. Let’s talk about love

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