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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Get Your Man to Stay Around

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ould you like to reignite passion with your man? Do you want your man to fall in love with you again and never want to leave? Are you convinced that it would be perfect this time around? You could be so right that you might want to bet some money on it! Here is the proof that you can convince your man to stay and make him want you like he used to.
Try these handy hints and you could find yourself in the throes of blissful love all over again!
Handy Hint #1: Be sweet.
This is easy. Avoid doing what you wouldn't want someone to do to you. That includes raking over the past, who did what, etc. and so forth. If you must refer to the past, let it be beautiful memories.
Handy Hint #2: Be silent.
Yes, you are eager to please, but stop jabbering already! Give the man the space and time to think how wonderful you are, not how garrulous! Your features will appear prettier if composed into a sweet, smiling countenance as well.
Handy Hint #3: Take up a hobby.
You can practise soccer, tennis or jog, etc. So your value goes up.
Handy Hint #4: Replay Love.
The best bits, that is. Recall what it is that really pulled on his heart strings and do just that.
Handy Hint #5: Be secure.
Have confidence that you are in a safe hand.
Handy Hint #6: Keep your word.
If the two of you have made covenants, stick with them, no matter what he does. Focus on yourself and your actions here and take the pressure off him. You just don't want to judge anybody else: people do the best they can and we can only inspire by our own integrity. The only person you can change is you, so, get started!
Handy Hint #7: Be beautiful.
Looking your best will make you feel your best.
If all else fails, pray really hard one time and then thank that the Higher will is manifested for you. Often, someone's rejection is God's protection as the leading matchmaker Siggy Flicker says. And, really, does someone need that much convincing with a person as wonderful as you? He should feel as much of an urge to replay love as you do. It is more about making internal changes in yourself that will translate into the relationship. Good Luck!

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